About Potters For Peace
Potters for Peace is a non-profit, social justice organization focused on using clay based solutions to address the problems of poverty. Potters for Peace's model is based upon community-oriented planning and action. We eschew the project-oriented view of traditional charities in favor of a relationship-based, sustainable model.
In Nicaragua, Potters for Peace offers technical and business support to rural pottery cooperatives. Our relationships with these communities have developed into partnerships where our desire is to nurture their growth, both artistically and personally, and to provide on-going sustainable business support.
Potters for Peace believes access to clean, potable water is a human right. Through our ceramic water filter projects, we provide technical support, education and filter production set-up for communities worldwide. We continue to find new solutions through our research and development as well as offer hands-on training through annual filter courses.

Our Missin Is Two-Fold
​Potters for Peace offers support, solidarity and friendship to Nicaraguan potters in order to help them preserve their local traditions and become economically independent. The vast majority of potters in Nicaragua are rural women who benefit from business education, collaboration with other potters and access to tools, equipment and technical advice.
Potters for Peace believes access to clean water is a human right. We work with partners around the world to produce ceramic water filters that help bring clean, potable water their communities in need. Filters are made by local people from locally sourced materials which create sustainable businesses. Filters can remove up to 99.09% of bacterial, protozoa and turbidity causing water borne illnesses such as dysentery. Potters for Peace offers help with filter production site set-ups, on the ground training, and follow-up problem solving. We also offer a two-week, hands-on ceramic water filter training course and free on-line technical consultations.
Brigades - Work Trips
Potters for Peace hosts brigades to various countries to facilitate cultural exchanges between potters and people interested in ceramic water filters. Participants visit and work with crafts persons in their potteries. Brigadistas will learn about the culture and ceramic traditions of their new clay friends, and will be confronted with the realities of being a potter in the developing world. When possible, we visit filter factories to gain first-hand knowledge of how filters are made and the impact clean drinking water can have on people's lives. These two-week tours include “off the tourist track” views of the host country, with translation, accommodations, food, and in-country transportation provided.
Additionally, at least once a year, we offer a shorter “work brigade” experiences in which we spend an extended period of time in a community, focusing on large projects such as building kilns and kiln sheds, and helping at factories.
For our next scheduled brigade, please contact Jennifer Mally at: