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Below are links to field studies and research reports in PDF format.



  1. Alethia Environmental study; Report 1 “Intrinsic Effectiveness" Although this study totals over 70 pages, the most relevant information is contained in the summary of Alethia Environmental study.

  2. Use of Ceramic Water Filters in Cambodia: UNICEF report on a filter project in Cambodia (44 pages)

  3. Summaries of Reports and Studies of the Ceramic Water Purifier by Barbara Donachy: summarizes studies, articles, and reports related to the performance and use of Potters for Peace ceramic water purifier (16 pages)

  4. Resource Development International (RDIC) Ceramic Water Filter Handbook: study of Ceramic Water Filters in Cambodia (88 pages)

  5. Ceramic silver impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries: a study to provide reliable performance data under laboratory conditions for ceramic silver impregnated pot filters to help speeding-up and scaling-up their implementation by organisations worldwide (138 pages)

  6. Independent Appraisal of Ceramic Water Filtration Interventions in Cambodia: an independent follow-up assessment of two large-scale implementations of the household-scale ceramic drinking water purifier (CWP) after 2 and 4 years of use (38 pages)

  7. Extended User Testing of Water Treatment Devices in Andhra Pradesh, India: report by Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) (16 pages)

  8. Ceramic Silver impregnated pot filters for low-cost point-of-use drinking water treatment: description of a project to study the Potters for Peace filters



  1. Investigación del filtro de barro impregnado con plata coloidal promovido por Ceramistas Por La Paz: este reporte está dirigido sobre la efectividad intrínseca de los filtros promovidos por CPP (80 paginas)

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